Category Archives for Assistive Articles

Back Pain Myth Busting 2: Severe pain means severe damage

Back pain is an extremely common complaint. We frequently hear of back pain and injuries from our clients, and have found it to be a difficult hurdle to overcome despite its frequency.

We have enlisted the help of Physiotherapist, Donovan Baker from Queen Street Physiotherapy in Brisbane for his expert advice on back pain management. Donovan has extensive clinical experience in musculoskeletal and sports physiotherapy and has a keen interest in achieving manageable solutions for clients living with pain and limitations. 

We sat down with Donovan to continue our back pain myth busting series. If you missed last month's article on whether exercise and movement is good for back pain, read it here.

This month we discuss managing how we view pain and that severe pain sometimes doesn't mean you have done severe damage. 

Read on to see his insights and why movement is so important for a speedy recovery.

Why does severe pain not necessarily mean severe damage?

This is a very in depth question but I will do my best to keep it short and simple.

To understand that pain doesn’t equal damage you need to wrap your noggin around pain itself. Pain is, 100% of the time, an output of the brain. It does not come from the tissues but from the brain interpreting data and evaluating whether said data is harmful to you. Pain acts a protective mechanism. It is there to stop you doing dumb things and hurting yourself. The brains takes into account not only the signals from tissues, but also draws on past experiences, emotional state, current stress levels, thoughts, beliefs, attitudes…the list goes on. The brain and central nervous system (CNS) does an incredible job in processing all this data in an instant, but occasionally it makes mistakes and can give you the sensation of pain when really there isn’t any damage happening.

Tissue damage commonly goes hand in hand with acute pain, but not always. You sprained your ankle, it hurts like a b#$%* but typically heals up in a few weeks and you’re encouraged to stay active. On the flip side you can bend over one morning to tie your shoes and your back seizes up, again hurts like a b#$%* but it doesn’t necessarily mean tissue damage. You haven’t slipped a disc, there’s no nerve root compression it’s just painful and stiff, and takes a little time and TLC to get back to doing the things you love. The brain, for whatever reason, doesn’t like that bending move even though you’ve done it a thousand times before, and it locks up the low back. Tight muscles, stiff joints and super wired nerves can give you a great deal of misery.

There’s a really interesting case about a construction worker that ended up with a metal pole sticking straight through his boot. The guy was in agony, screaming the house down. They got him to hospital and cut the boot off. Turns out the pole had gone between his toes. Didn’t break any bones, didn’t even pierce the skin. Once he saw it he calmed down and very soon wasn’t feeling a thing. But because he thought he would have a gaping hole in his foot, his brain had conjured up the pain! Now ask him at the time and he would have sworn on dear old Nana’s life the pain was real, not in his head. This is a case of the brain misprocessing data, and creating the output of pain.

This is a very complex topic but there are some great Youtube videos that break it down nicely. Check out Understanding Pain in less than 5 minutes, and what to do about it!’ and also TEDxAdelaide - Lorimer Moseley - Why Things Hurt’.

When someone is experiencing severe pain what might be causing it?

In terms of severe low back pain, an almost countless number of things, but there are a few main ones we see at Queen Street Physiotherapy.


Tissue or mechanical damage

This can be bulging discs, vertebral fractures, vertebral ligament sprains, muscular strains or spasms (a very small percentage of people actually have this type of severe back pain)


Neuropathic pain

This is damage to or overactive nerves. A bulging disc compressing on a nerve will give you pain down said nerve. Think about hitting your funny bone and how that shoots down to your hand, similar concept.


Non-specific lower back pain

Exactly like what it sounds. There’s no specific structural or mechanical issue, the back just bloody hurts! See the above explanation on why this can be so.

When should we be more concerned that it's something more sinister?

Here are the main nasties/red flags we look out for in low back pain.

  • Groin pins and needles, numbness and/or changes to bladder or bowel function(i.e. feeling the urge to go to the toilet but nothing actually comes out). You need this sorted out ASAP. Google ‘Cauda Equina Syndrome’.
  • Night pain. Fine during the day, bad at night. This can be a little warning sign of cancer. But if you have it, don’t panic! Just make sure you get it checked out quickly.
  • Muscle weakness. Walking along and you can’t stop your foot from slapping the ground or you can’t do a single leg calf raise. Potentially a compressed nerve.
  • Very intense pain, like 7/10 or higher. As in ‘Oh Lord please help me this hurts so bad!’

There are other red flags which physio’s look for, but the above are the more serious ones that need urgent attention.

What are the top products you recommend to help someone manage pain?

There are a lot of great products out there that can help ease back pain.

I personally love a hot pack and my trusty trigger point ball.

Heat can help locally at the site of pain, makes it feel warm and snug. But also can decrease the ‘pain signals’ getting to the brain by giving the nerves something else to report to the brain…in this case, heat.

My trigger ball also gets a good workout. Triggering tight musculature around the low back can help a lot. I go for my glutes and ITB, but also the bigger muscles in the back, QL and erector spinae. If you don’t know these you’ll need to be shown by your physio. And if the trigger ball is too intense you can use a foam roller instead.

Thanks Donovan.

If you missed last month's article from Queen Street Physiotherapy on whether exercise and movement is bad for back pain, check it out below.

Back Pain Myth Busting 1 – Movement and exercise is bad
Back pain is an extremely common complaint. We frequently hear of back pain and injuries from our clients, and have[...]

Stay tuned for another article from the Queen Street Physiotherapy team in January. 

In the meantime, if you have any questions regarding this interview, treatment of back pain or other health issues please do not hesitate to contact Donovan and the rest of the team by visiting the Queen Street Physiotherapy website.

Queen St Physiotherapy offers ergonomic advice, podiatry, custom made orthotics, running assessment, hydrotherapy, dry needling, remedial massage, exercise and stretching programs.

Back Pain Myth Busting 1 – Movement and exercise is bad

Back pain is an extremely common complaint. We frequently hear of back pain and injuries from our clients, and have found it to be a difficult hurdle to overcome despite its frequency.

We have enlisted the help of Physiotherapist and Exercise Physiologist, Phill Forostenko from Queen Street Physiotherapy in Brisbane for insight and expert advice on back pain management.

Phill has over 10 years’ experience as both owner and directing physiotherapist at Queen Street Physiotherapy. He has interests in sports and work related injuries including neck, shoulder and back pain. He is also highly experienced in managing mobility issues and post surgery rehabilitation.

We sat down with Phill earlier this month to break down some common myths around back pain.

Read on to see his insights and why movement is so important for a speedy recovery.

You often hear that exercise and movement is bad for recovery, is that the case?

Absolutely not. The right exercise has been shown hands down to be the best rehabilitation for just about any injury or niggle. The real question should be, ‘What is the RIGHT exercise?’ This is where things can get a little complicated and it’s like asking, ‘How deep’s a hole? Or how long is a piece of string?’ It really depends on you, your injury and your personal circumstances. At Queen Street Physiotherapy we can advise and guide you on the right types and amount of exercise.

But for a very basic baseline you want to exercise within a tolerable pain limit (i.e. it’s a bit sore but I can do the exercise without it getting worse) and you want to reach small milestones along the way. Typically that will reduce the swelling/inflammation, achieve pain free range of motion, gentle return to activity, then a full return to performance. And your activity or performance is very dependent on you. It might be rep level sport, or gasping for air in a PT circuit wishing it was time for that post workout cappuccino. 

When should you rest, and how long for?

For most acute injuries, typically 48hrs, but the consensus is evolving.

The old acronym RICE (say it with me…rest, ice, compression, elevation) has now been given a shiny new upgrade to POLICE (protect, optimal loading, ice, compression, elevation). And it’s the optimal loading part that’s key.

Early movement, early rehab, early exercise equals faster and better recoveries. The best example of this is a knee replacement. The morning after you’ve been cut open, bones and joint removed replaced with titanium then stitched back together again, you’ll have a nasty physio like me getting you to stand up and walk around…while you’re still drugged up, in your flattering surgical nightie and connected to a bunch of drips and beeping machines.

Why? Because we know it’ll be that much better later down the track.

What simple exercises can you recommend to get someone back moving again?

In regards to getting back into exercise, whether you have been absent due to injury or you have just had a large break due to the hectic nature of life, the key is to take it slowly but keep it on a daily basis.

Generally we have all done some form of exercise at some point in our life, whether it was in a sporting team, a PE class at school, or a group fitness session.

The first place to start is by simply walking.  Increase your endurance and your physical capacities to handle 30 mins of brisk walking.  Stretches to your lower limbs should be performed prior & post walking that include stretches to your calves, hamstrings, quadriceps and gluteals.

If you are still unsure, the professional staff at Queen Street Physiotherapy can advise you on all your stretches or exercise program.

How can a physiotherapist help with back pain?

Not all lower back injuries have a singular diagnosis and a sequential rehabilitation program. Lower back pain management strategies need to be designed specifically for your particular injury and lifestyle. First and foremost, a physiotherapist can reduce your immediate pain with treatment including manual therapy, massage therapy and strapping. Alleviation of pain will be your paramount concern and is an important first step in your rehabilitation.  Physiotherapists can advise you on the duration of your rehabilitation and treatment needs, which will vary for each individual and injury. It is also important to be aware of the correct techniques for activities and daily living to support your injury throughout the rehabilitation phase. A physiotherapist can advise you:

  • When to rest
  • When to start the right exercises - should you be stengthening muscles or stretching them?
  • minus
    Tips on getting to sleep and staying asleep with your back injury
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    How to lift objects correctly
  • How to manage your pain outside of your treatment session - should you be icing or heating when it's sore and for how long? Should you be taking anti-inflammatories? 

Thanks Phill. 

Stay tuned for Phill's next interview in December. 

In the meantime, if you have any questions regarding this interview, treatment of back pain or other health issues please do not hesitate to contact Phill and his team by visiting the Queen St Physiotherapy website.

Queen St Physiotherapy offers ergonomic advice, custom made orthotics, running assessment, hydrotherapy, dry needling, remedial massage, exercise and stretching programs.

Top 4 Tips to Stopping Cyclist’s Cramps

Cramps. They are the death of every cyclist. 

We have enlisted the help of Physiotherapist, Sean McCoola from Maximize Health Group to give us some tips on how to better manage cramps.

Sean brings experience to his clients from 18 years as a physiotherapist and has a particular interest in sporting teams and rehabilitation programmes.

Sean sat down with us earlier this month to give us his top 4 tips on stopping cramps. 

Take it away Sean.

4 Factors to Help Stop Cramps

At Maximize Health we are often asked by the cyclists we treat about cramps and how to stop them.

Below is a discussion and guide to what we have seen work over the years. The simple reminders below will enhance performance and aid general well-being and if you fit the pieces of the puzzles together for you, it may even stop cramps for your cycling endeavours.

Studies have shown that cramps are associated with high intensity activity and muscle fatigue. Yes, no proverbial Sherlock!

This directs you in the first instance to get your training and race plans suited to you and your current sustainable exertion level.  And then address other factors below including hydration, stretching, electrolyte balance and nutrition which are often quoted as areas to address to avoid the possibly devastating effects of cramping while out on the bike (e.g poor race performance, pushing the bike home), or after the event/training (jack knifing in the car when driving home from the charity ride).

My advice is to increase your awareness of when the cramps occur for you and then experiment with the factors leading up to the occurrence.

Sorry guys and gals there are often no quick and easy answers for the road warriors.

1. Hydration

Hydration continues to be a major topic in the discussion of cramps. I take a wide gauge view at this and recommend that appropriate hydration needs to be an everyday activity especially if training loads are high and frequent and when coming into summer months and/or humid conditions. Some cyclists are heavy sweaters, and this loss in fluid is often associated as a major contributing factor to cramps. 

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Weigh yourself before and after a one hour ride.
If you weigh less afterwards you may need more fluid intake.
If you weigh more, maybe you’ve gone too hard on the sports drink. 

Hydration levels are imperative for optimal performance and getting this part of the puzzle to fit for you may also reduce cramps.

2. Stretching

Another risk factor for cramping demonstrated in studies is low or irregular rates of stretching.

Don’t get too hung up on the bio-physiology but go by the rule that if muscles are tight (shorter than optimal resting position) and/or if they have trigger points (localised areas of increased muscle firing that resets and increases the resting tone of the whole muscle), this seems to increase the chance of cramping.

Optimal muscle length will also reduce discomfort and improve performance. Winning all round! Unfortunately some riders will just have to stretch and address trigger points more than others.

Tip 1

 Stretch each offending muscle group for a minimum of 2 x 30 seconds.
For muscles that have increased tone such as calves stretch for at least 1 minute.
Complete this process 3 - 5 days a week. 

Tip 2

 Try trigger point work or foam rolling to get optimal results

3. Electrolytes or Die

We all need electrolytes to maintain correct muscle function to help maintain life as we know it.

There is little scientific evidence stating that electrolyte levels play a significant role cramping.

Optimal electrolyte balance may assist in cramp prevention, but how much is enough?

Once again this will come down to experimentation for individuals. Test the various input options (Drinks, gels, salt tabs or food) for brand, concentration levels, timing etc.

There are now companies doing sweat tests for the salt/sodium levels in your sweat. But a general guide is if you have the white ring or streaks around your neck on your jersey after you ride you are possibly sweating out electrolytes, including, sodium/salt in higher than optimal levels, and this may need to be addressed.

4. Nutrition

What we put into our bodies leading up to and on race/training days may affect cramping incidence.

A balanced diet must help performance and general health and well-being. “Balanced” will mean different things to the individual and depend on physical and even mental load.

I believe the overall and longstanding aim is for you to give yourself the right amount of energy to fuel your body for tasks you are giving It, in acceptable input formats to promote continued health to train at your desired increased intensities for longer.

Tip 3

 Nutrition, like hydration, is an everyday task.

Nutrition plans should include the weeks and days before, on the day, and during the event.  

As always folks, tips like these may not be fully comprehensive for your situation and seeking out a health professional is a worthwhile exercise if cramping persists and is affecting your ability to bring your 'A' game.

This discussion is by no means exhaustive and there are many other cramp prevention strategies that may work for you (my Mum swears by camphor in a sock by your feet under your bottom sheet in bed overnight to prevent calf cramps).

What we have found over the years is that if you address the above factors and fit the pieces of the puzzle to your situation it will at the very least improve your performance and enhance your health and well-being.

Now on your bikes and enjoy.

Thanks Sean. Stay tuned next month for another article from Maximize Health Group.

In the meantime, if you have any questions regarding these tips, prevention of cramps or other health issues please do not hesitate to contact Sean on +61 7 3343 5494 or [email protected].

How to treat whiplash for cyclists

Have you or your cycling mates ever experienced a cycle whiplash?

Recovering from a cycling accident can take months. The recovery time depends on the type of injury, age and any past accidents that you may have had.  If you fall off your bike and fracture a rib, it can take up to 12 weeks to heal.  This doesn’t take into consideration how you fell and if your fall involved a major whiplash to the neck on impact, especially if the helmet was broken.  I find that cyclists can get the all clear from anything serious and after a few weeks of rest go back to training for their ironman or triathlon even, only to find they can’t sit comfortably on their bike or get back to their old training program.

When there is major whiplash to the neck from a cycle accident, the muscles can strain and spasm to protect the neck.  These symptoms can arise from a lack of alignment due to the injuries sustained. Symptoms can include and are not limited to the following:

  • Headaches
  • Shoulder pain
  • Muscle spasms
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Difficulty concentrating at work
  • Numbness in the arm or hands

Instead of expecting the pain to disappear, it is important to have your posture, spine and muscles checked to see if it is out of alignment. After all,  isn’t your body worth more than your bike?

At Kurilpa Chiropractic & Sports Massage, we take a thorough history of the mechanism of your injury and any contributing factors that may be causing the pain and discomfort.  It may be necessary to send out for scans or x-rays prior to treatment, including any reports from other health professionals.

It can take up to 3 months of regular chiropractic, sports massage and trigger point therapy to ease the body back into repair and re-alignment.

[h3_heading]Some things recommended to cyclists to support the treatment are:[/h3_heading]
  • Placing heat packs or a wheatbag around the shoulders and neck to relax the muscles.
  • Having a warm bath with Epsom salts 3 times a week.
  • Performing your own trigger point release on the neck.
  • Making sure your work desk and chair are ergonomically correct.
  • Gentle motion of the neck to include flexion and extension, rotation and lateral flexion without causing any pain.
  • Taking regular breaks every hour at the desk.

Written by Dr. Adele Lorigan  (Chiropractor)

Dr. Adele Lorigan (Chiropractor) is part of Kurilpa Chiropractic & Sports Massage is based inside Cam’s Cycle Coaching, West End.

Cyclist proves police evidence is unreliable

The Facts (Nominal Defendant v Rooskov)

On 18 May 2005, Nigel rode his mountain bike to the local bowls club. Whilst at the bowls club he drank approximately 6 to 8 schooners of beer. Between 3.30pm and 4.30pm that afternoon he left the bowls club on his bike to ride home. He was not wearing a helmet.

It was a fine sunny day and Nigel was riding along the left-hand side of the roadway. He was riding downhill on a straight section of the road. As he was riding along, he heard a whistling noise from behind him, a screech of brakes and was then struck from behind. A vehicle hit the rear, right-hand side or back of the bike (Nigel was not sure which). This caused him to careen off the road. Nigel was thrown from his bike and landed in a ditch. He was knocked unconscious and sustained severe injuries to his back in the accident.

Nigel was found by people passing by who called the ambulance and police. He was transported to Wollongong Hospital for treatment and was subsequently diagnosed with a severe concussion and post-traumatic amnesia.

Want to know how to stop lawyers overcharging?

Watch our step-by-step video guide and discover:

  • check
    How lawyers charge
  • check
    Where and when you can negotiate your costs
  • check
    How to save yourself tens (even hundreds) of thousands of dollars in legal fees

Not watching the video may be the most expensive mistake of your life. 

The Decision

One of the main issues at the trial was whether Nigel had been struck by an unidentified motor vehicle. It was argued by the Nominal Defendant that he lost control of his bicycle and ran off the road.

Nigel initially reported that he was struck by a vehicle. This was noted in the ambulance records, police records and initial hospital records. However, at the hospital his memory of the accident became vague and he expressed doubt about what had happened. He reported that to nursing staff, doctors and the police.

A police officer attended the scene of the accident that evening. He examined the scene and took a number of photographs. He also took photographs of the bike and noted there was no damage sustained to the bike. He did find skid marks located at the accident scene but dismissed them as being unrelated to the accident. The officer gave evidence at the trial that he was of the view that Nigel had not been hit by a motor vehicle.

Nigel’s father, a retired police officer, attended the accident scene two days after the accident and undertook his own investigations. That included taking a detailed sketch plan of the accident site with details of all relevant measurements of the area and the skid marks located at the accident scene. He also reported that the skid marks were very dark at that time and faded over the course of the next week.

Nigel gave evidence at the trial in which he maintained he had been hit by a vehicle. This was despite the fact that he later lost his memory whilst in the hospital and became unclear on what had happened.

Despite the evidence of the police officer at the trial, the judge held the following view:

“The difficulty I have with the skid marks is that they were consistent in location and presence and time with the sworn evidence of the plaintiff and consistent with versions he had given at various times….”.

Nigel’s evidence, the records given to the various medical personnel and the skid marks, persuaded the judge that Nigel had been hit by an unidentified vehicle. The judge awarded damages to Nigel for his injuries in the sum of $586,781.24 but deducted 5% of his damages because he was not wearing a helmet.

The Nominal Defendant appealed the judge’s decision. They argued that Nigel was not hit by an unidentified vehicle. The court of appeal did not agree with the Nominal Defendant and held that the original assessment made by the trial judge was correct.

Nigel was successful despite the fact he sustained a head injury, had a poor recollection of events after the accident and the investigations undertaken by police were not favourable to his case.

Cycle Law Opinion

The trial judge did not accept the evidence of the police officer at the trial. The fact that Nigel’s father also investigated the accident scene shortly after the accident assisted Nigel to win his case.

Nigel’s loss of memory in relation to the accident whilst he was in the hospital was not enough to persuade the judge that Nigel was incorrect when he initially stated he was hit by a vehicle. There was sufficient evidence contained in the various records to show that he did initially report he was hit by a vehicle. Further, the location of the skid marks at the accident scene were consistent with Nigel’s version of events.

Head injuries in accidents are more common than you might think and memory loss can be a side effect of a head injury. However, this does not mean you will lose your case even if there are no witnesses to the accident.

The graph below is the percentage of the types of injuries sustained in accidents from 1 July 2007 to 31 December 2016, including head injuries.

When head injuries are compared with other types of injuries they actually represent the fifth most common type of injury sustained in accidents.

The  Consequences

 The trial and subsequent appeal of Nigel’s case resulted in a good outcome for Nigel.  This case could very well have been unsuccessful if the police officer’s version of events had been believed by the judge.

The important thing to take from this decision is the importance of obtaining your own evidence relating to the circumstances of the accident.  Do not rely wholly on the investigations undertaken by the police. 

The outcome of this case is proof that despite the fact you may have sustained a head injury and do not have a good recollection of the accident you can still succeed in a claim.  However, to ensure success, you need to take appropriate steps to gather all relevant evidence to support your case as early as possible.  The best way to do that is to obtain legal representation as soon as possible after the accident so that your legal representatives can undertake any necessary investigations on your behalf.

Can I use a video recording as evidence? Will it prove I wasn’t at fault?

By Emily Billiau | Associate | [email protected]



Every week, we speak to cyclists who have been injured on our roads. And there is something common in a lot of the stories we hear:-

“I had a recording device on my bike and I captured the accident.

Can I use it?

Will it prove it wasn’t my fault?”

With the growing use of technology in today’s society, the use of video recording devices on bicycles and by cyclists has emerged as a growing trend.

Many cyclists use recording devices in hope that, should something go wrong, the footage captures the evidence they need to support their case.

We are often approached by cyclists who have a recording of an incident and who question whether the recording can be used as evidence in their injury claim.

The question then naturally becomes, is the recording admissible in evidence?

Pursuant to section 138 of the Evidence Act 1995, the Court has a discretion to exclude improperly or illegally obtained evidence. And so it must first be determined if the evidence was in fact obtained legally.

For example, if a recording was secretly (and without consent) obtained of a conversation between other persons and the cyclist was not involved in the conversation, the recording may be in contravention of Australian Law.

If it is found that the evidence was improperly or illegally obtained, the Courts cannot admit the evidence unless the desirability of admitting the evidence outweighs the undesirability of admitting the evidence.  In considering the desirability of admitting such evidence, the Court needs to consider a number of factors pursuant to section 138 of the Evidence Act. They include:-

  • The probative value of the evidence;
  • The importance of the evidence in the proceeding;
  • The nature of the evidence;
  • The gravity of the contravention and whether it was deliberate or reckless.

So is your video footage admissible?

If you possess a recording of an incident you were involved in, you should consult your solicitor.

Ultimately, the different circumstances of each case and the context of each recording needs to be considered. Certainly, if the recording is admissible, it may be used to help you with your claim.

Will you fall victim to this unfair cycling fine?

It’s something that thousands of cyclists all over Australia do every day. It generally goes ignored.

But for Victorian cyclist, Laurie Duncan, it was costly.

Mr Duncan was slapped with a $152 fine for passing on the left of a stationery vehicle in Melbourne’s CBD earlier this year.

Mr Duncan said the car was stationery at a busy intersection in the CBD (the corner of Swanston Street and Flinders Lane). He said that the vehicle’s left-turn indicator was on, but the vehicle was stationery waiting for a pedestrians to traverse/cross in front of it. Mr Duncan alleges that it was unsafe to pass the vehicle on the right.

Pursuant to the Victoria’s Road Safety Road Rules 2009 (regulation 141 (2)), the “rider of a bicycle must not ride past, or overtake, to the left of a vehicle that is turning left and is giving a left change of direction signal”. There is an equivalent road rule in similar terms which applies to Queensland cyclists.

It was not disputed that the vehicle had it’s left indicator engaged – the issue was whether the stationary car was in the process of turning left within the meaning of the regulation. Mr Duncan was of the view that it ‘turning left’, as it was stationery at the time he passed it.

Ultimately, the matter turned on the Magistrate’s interpretation of the meaning of ‘turning’. On one view of it, turning is a process involving a series of actions, and when one of those actions stops, the vehicle is no longer in the act of turning. Unfortunately for Mr Duncan, the Magistrate did not interpret the regulation in this way.

The Magistrate upheld Mr Duncan’s fine, finding that he had passed to the left of a vehicle which that was turning left.

“Road rules are designed to ensure the safety of all road users, including cyclists. It seems that even though Mr Duncan thought he was cycling safely and operating within the rules, interpretation worked against him,” CycleLaw solicitor Emily Billiau said.

“It is possible that Queensland police officers may apply a similar road rule strictly here in Queensland, which could see many cyclists face fines. It is something Queensland cyclists need to be alert to.”

By Claire McHardy | (07) 3231 0425 | [email protected]

Information Sheet – Electric Bicycles

Electric Bicycles

What is an Electric Bicycle?

An electric bicycle (or e-bike) is a bicycle with a motorised assistance.

There are two types of legal motorised bicycles:-

  1. Those that require the cyclist to move the pedals to maintain electrical assistance (pedalec); and
  2. Bicycles with a handlebar throttle, that allow a cyclist to travel without using the pedals1

Design Rules / Requirements

The Australian Design Rules (ADRs) are national standards which dictate vehicle requirements. For vehicles manufactured post-1989, the application of the ADRs is the responsibility of the Federal Government pursuant to the Motor Vehicle Standards Act 1989 (Cth).

In 2012, changes were announced to the national vehicle safety standards in relation to power-assisted bicycles.

There are two types of legal motorised bicycles in Queensland (as described above) and the requirements vary for each. The pedalec type of bicycle must comply with the European Standard for Power Assisted Pedal Cycles (EN15194). The bicycle can have a maximum of only 250 watts of power and must be marked to show that it complies with the standard.

Bicycles with a handlebar throttle can have a motor that generates no more than 200 watts of power. If it is capable of generating more than 200 watts of power or has an internal combustion engine, then the bicycle must comply with Australian Design Rules for a motorbike and cannot be ridden on roads or road-related areas if it does not comply with these standards.

Do riders of Electric Bicycles have to comply with the Road Rules?

Yes. Bicycles are considered vehicles under legislation in Queensland, and so riders must obey the general road rules as they apply to vehicle operators.


1NB – The pedals should still be the primary source of power for the bicycle. If a rider can complete a journey without using the pedals and powered solely by the motor, then this would not be classed as a motorised bicycle

By Emily Billiau and Gemma Sweeney

5 Road Rules every Cyclist wants Motorists to Understand

  1. On a multi-lane road, cyclists can take up any position within the lane


On a multi-lane road, cyclists can take up any position within the lane. Every cyclist is different. Every cyclist rides in a different way. Some like to occupy a central position on the lane – and they are entitled to do so.


  1. Cyclists can overtake another vehicle on the left

Cyclists can overtake another vehicle on the left if it is safe to do so, and unless that vehicle is turning left and indicating they will turn left.


  1. Cyclists can choose whether or not they wish to use a bicycle lane where one is provided.

Cyclists can choose whether or not to occupy a bicycle line. Again, every cyclist is different. Some cyclists may not choose to occupy the bicycle lane – and they are entitled to make this choice.


  1. Cyclists can ride on the road shoulder, across a continuous white-edge line on a bicycle.

Cyclists are entitled to rise on the road shoulder; however, they must give way to vehicles on the road when moving back onto the road across the continuous white edge line.


  1. Cyclists can ride across pedestrian crossings situated at traffic lights if they:

Cyclists can ride across a pedestrian crossing situated at traffic lights if they:-

  • Proceed slowly and safely;
  • Give way to any pedestrian on the crossing;
  • Keep to the left of any oncoming cyclist.

3 Things Cyclists want Motorists to Know

  1. Cyclists want motorists to understand the road rules. 

By gaining a better understanding of the rules regulating cyclists and by following careful practices behind a wheel, motorists will make our roads safer. It is about mutual respect and understanding.

2. Cyclists are closer than they appear

If you are a motorist and are approaching a cyclist on your left, do not try and squeeze past. The bike is closer than it seems. Stop. Slow down. Wait. Whatever it takes. Do not pass until you can leave plenty of room and pass safely.

3. Cyclists are a vulnerable road user. 

Most motorists have a strong respect for cyclists and understand their vulnerability on the road. Unfortunately, there is a small minority of road users who do not share the same understanding, and are ignorant of the vulnerability of cyclists on our roads.

It is a pretty safe bet that is a cyclist comes up against a motor vehicle, the cyclist is going to come off second best. Understand this, and respect all road users.