Category Archives for Information

Road Rules for Cyclists in Queensland

Cycling is a great way to get around, whether you’re cruising along for fun or commuting to work. But like any road user, cyclists have a set of rules to follow. Understanding these road rules not only helps you stay safe, but it also keeps you on the right side of the law and helps […]

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What Happens When a Cyclist Is at Fault in a Car Accident?

Cycling is more than just a way to get from point A to point B—it’s a lifestyle, a commitment to personal health and a step toward a more sustainable future. But with this freedom comes responsibility. As cyclists, we share the road with others. But while most of the time things run smoothly, accidents can happen. […]

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What Is the Maximum Distance You Can Drive in the Bicycle Lane to Overtake?

Imagine you’re driving down a busy street and see a cyclist ahead in the bike lane. You need to get around them, but can you just slip into the bicycle lane? How far can you drive in it without breaking the law?These are common questions for many drivers. While overtaking might seem simple, the rules […]

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Best Bicycle Insurance in Australia

Have you ever considered what would happen if your bike was stolen or you were involved in an accident that you were at fault for? How would you cover the costs? Cycling is more than just a hobby and a mode of transportation—it’s an integral part of your life. This comes with risks, leading to significant […]

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bicycle lane

How Far Can You Drive in a Bicycle Lane?

As a driver, you’re responsible for knowing the traffic rules to keep everyone secure, including cyclists. One of the most misunderstood areas is the use of bicycle lanes. How far can you drive in a bicycle lane? What happens if you drive too far? These are critical questions that every driver needs to know. According to […]

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A car parked in a designated space, accompanied by a bicycle and another vehicle, illustrating a common parking arrangement.

Bicycle Boxes – What Are They And What Do They Do?

What is a Bicycle Box?A bicycle storage area (or bicycle box) is a marked area of the road before a signalised intersection, where cyclists can position themselves in front of queued traffic at a red traffic signal. The boxes are intended to make cyclists more visible to motor vehicles and give them a head start […]

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claim worth PS

Part 4: How much is my claim worth? – Pain & Suffering

Share0 Tweet0 Share0 Emily BilliauPrincipal It is a significant part of a compensation claim.Particularly for those who cannot claim wage losses, such as young people, retirees or the unemployed, pain and suffering often comprises the most considerable part of a compensation claim We are back again with the final part of our four-part series on […]

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claim worth_ Medical Expenses (2)

Part 3: How much is my claim worth? – Medical Expenses

Share0 Tweet0 Share0 Emily BilliauPrincipal Medical Expenses are a crucial part of all claims for compensation. Why? Well apart from the obvious fact they pay for the cost of any medical treatment…… compensation for medical expenses allows you to recover to your fullest extent as it removes the stress of working how you are going to […]

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claim worth Care

Part 2: How much is my claim worth? – Care Costs

Share0 Tweet0 Share0 Emily BilliauPrincipal Care costs can be the single most significant component of a claim. Particularly when the injured party doesn’t work (therefore doesn’t have significant income loss) but is seriously injured. How much is my claim worth? It’s a big question. And one that is asked by every claimant we see. Unfortunately, the answer is never […]

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claim worth_ FEL (2)

Part 1: How much is my claim worth? – Future Economic Loss

Share0 Tweet0 Share0 Emily BilliauPrincipal Most people have heard of personal injury claims but very few would understand what quantum is.…and they really should – behind liability, it’s the second most significant determinant of a successful claim.You’d be forgiven for thinking quantum has something to do with physics. But it nowhere near as difficult to […]

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