Tag Archives for " police "

cycling powerplay

The 3 Step Powerplay (That Gets the Police to Investigate Cyclist’s Complaints)

“Fortunately for cyclists you can force a police investigation into the actions of dangerous drivers.  Just follow a simple civil law process.” Emily Billiau – Principal, CycleLawWe can all agree that a ‘near miss’ on the roads can be terrifying.    Imagine the cyclist’s level of frustration when they take he video footage to the local […]

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Cyclist Proves Police Evidence Unreliable (1)

Cyclist proves police evidence is unreliable

The Facts (Nominal Defendant v Rooskov)On 18 May 2005, Nigel rode his mountain bike to the local bowls club. Whilst at the bowls club he drank approximately 6 to 8 schooners of beer. Between 3.30pm and 4.30pm that afternoon he left the bowls club on his bike to ride home. He was not wearing a […]

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