All posts by Emily Billiau

claim worth Care

Part 2: How much is my claim worth? – Care Costs

Share0 Tweet0 Share0 Emily BilliauPrincipal Care costs can be the single most significant component of a claim. Particularly when the injured party doesn’t work (therefore doesn’t have significant income loss) but is seriously injured. How much is my claim worth? It’s a big question. And one that is asked by every claimant we see. Unfortunately, the answer is never […]

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claim worth_ FEL (2)

Part 1: How much is my claim worth? – Future Economic Loss

Share0 Tweet0 Share0 Emily BilliauPrincipal Most people have heard of personal injury claims but very few would understand what quantum is.…and they really should – behind liability, it’s the second most significant determinant of a successful claim.You’d be forgiven for thinking quantum has something to do with physics. But it nowhere near as difficult to […]

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The 1 thing no one discusses about near-misses

We don’t need to explain the phenomenon of near-misses. They happen far, far too often on our roads. We often hear stories of people too afraid to get back on the bike after a near miss.   So much so we decided to ask for some expert advice on the matter. Brisbane Psychologist Romana Bowd has put together a quick […]

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Knee Surgery

Tips For Rehab After Knee Surgery From A Physio

Knee surgery. The concept can make even the strongest person cringe in sympathetic pain.  We contacted Physiotherapist Martin Coote from Brisbane City Physiotherapy to discuss post operative management and tips for rehab after knee surgery improve the chance of a successful recovery.  Read on to see his insights.  BOOK A CONSULT WITH MARTIN How should someone prepare […]

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Eat your way to recovery 1

How to eat your way to recovery – Part 2: Migration Stage

When you suffer an injury, your first thought might be to seek treatment from a doctor or physiotherapist. And while that’s the correct action to take, people often forget to think about how their diet can impact their recovery process. We sat down with nutritionist, Kate Jeffries from Katalyst Nutrition to talk through how you can […]

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Simple exercise to relieve neck pain

1 Simple Exercise to relieve Neck Pain Now

If you have a neck injury which may have resulted from a motor vehicle accident, a fall or an injury at work you will know how persistent the pain and symptoms are and how encroaching they are on your daily life.  The pain and other symptoms, including headaches, can feel like it’s ruining your life.   If […]

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Final Stage

Part 3: What to do at each stage of your recovery: The final phase

Whether you have rolled your ankle, broken a rib or torn a ligament, your body goes through the same painful and uncomfortable process to repair itself.  We sat down with Nick Marshall from Surf Life Physio in Miami, QLD earlier this month to get a better understanding of the recovery journey. Nick has over 17 years’ experience […]

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Knee Pain

Knee Pain? You Should See a Chiro

If you have ever suffered a knee injury, you would be well aware that it feels like your knee never quite recovers. Whether its lingering pain, loss of mobility, reduced function or general weakness, there is always a lasting symptom to remind you your knee just isn’t quite up to scratch anymore.  However, you do not have […]

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5 Office Exercise

5 Office Exercises for Relieving Neck Pain

You wouldn’t go running, bench press or sit in a car for 8 hours continuously without a break or two to move around, would you? So why do we find it perfectly normal to sit, hunched over, with muscles in constant contraction, straining our eyes as we stare into a fluorescent screen all day? It’s absolute […]

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Bicycle Injury

10 tips on preventing cyclist injuries from Queen Street Physiotherapy

Cycling…… A sport I’ve tried my best to wrap my head around for a long time, but for the life of me I just can’t understand the appeal. It’s a culture unto its own.  From getting up at ungodly hours in the dark, squeezing into some brightly coloured Lycra (often leaving little to the imagination) and punching […]

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